Just confirming that the second instalment of the seL4 developer hangout is happening: - Sydney: Wed, Nov 17, 8am - Central Europe: Tue, Nov 16, 10pm - US West Coast: Tue, Nov 16, 1pm Zoom link: https://unsw.zoom.us/j/82640784431 Last time, we had 12 people joining, discussion roughly 50/50 about verification and systems topics. We did not end up discussing boot code in great detail, because the people who were most interested in that couldn't make it on that day, but we talked about various stages board support for seL4, about OS personalities on top of seL4, and Nick gave a bit of an overview of the Icecap project which uses Rust to good effect on top of seL4. (This is not a complete list of topics, just a high-level impression) Cheers, Gerwin
On 28 Oct 2021, at 18:09, Gerwin Klein <kleing@unsw.edu.au> wrote:
Hi seL4 devs,
a few of us thought it might be nice to talk more directly from time to time rather than only via pull requests, so we're trialling a seL4 developer hangout/video chat.
The idea for this is to be:
- informal, about 1h - for technical discussions about seL4 and related repositories - anyone can join - every two weeks, initially for 3 times, then we can decide how we like it
At least one or two technical steering committee (TSC) members will try to be at every one of these, but these are not TSC meetings where formal decisions are made, just technical discussions about whatever people have on their minds.
To provide a starting topic, one thing we'd be interested in is:
seL4 boot code
There have been quite a few pull requests in that area, and it'd be nice to know what people's plans are and how we can keep this part of seL4 high assurance while making it more flexible. Other topics for future meetings could be better support for other language bindings (e.g. Rust), any RFCs that are open or people are thinking about opening, or just discussions about current pull requests or issues.
The first hangout is on
- Sydney: Wed, Nov 3, 8am - Central Europe: Tue, Nov 2, 10pm - US East Coast: Tue, Nov 2, 2pm
Zoom link: https://unsw.zoom.us/j/82640784431
Cheers, Gerwin