I am currently trying to pass a device for ethernet access through qemu to the vm. However there seems to be some issue since the device is not passed through correctly.
I have looked at some resources for guidance on how to solve it:
https://github.com/seL4/sel4webserver (webserver example)
https://lists.sel4.systems/hyperkitty/list/devel@sel4.systems/message/X34TX7... (old devel thread)
And the important parts for this to work seems to be untyped_mmios for the vm (in devices.camkes for qemu-arm-virt):
vm0.untyped_mmios = [
"0x8040000:12", // Interrupt Controller Virtual CPU interface (Virtual Machine view)
/* TODO: QEMU PCI addresses could change - ideally need to decode from pcie node */
"0x10040000:17", // QEMU PCI MMIO
"0x3eff0000:16", // QEMU PCI IO ports
"0x40000000:29", // Linux kernel memory regions
And passing the device to QEMU in the simulation script:
$ sudo ./simulate --extra-qemu-args="-netdev tap,id=mynet0,ifname=tap0,script=no,downscript=no -device virtio-net,netdev=mynet0,mac=52:55:00:d1:55:01"
However when listing the devices with "ip a" on the VM it does not show an eth0 device:
# ip a
1: lo: