On 12 Jul 2022, at 13:46, Gernot Heiser
wrote: On 12 Jul 2022, at 12:46, Axel Heider
mailto:axelheider@gmx.de> wrote: Thanks for the note. As far as I know, currently the Odroid-C2 is still used for the AOS course at UNSW, and this statement mostly refers to this. Not sure if there are plans to switch as long as the board are working. It's a bit sad that this board was declared end of life recently.
The AOS Odroids are still working fine and we’ve got plenty of redundancy, so I don’t see us junking them in the next 18 months.
The plan was to replace the Odroid C2 with the Odroid C4, which is similar. There is a basic seL4 port from Curtis, but I don't think anyone has looked at drivers yet. They might be straightforward to port (or even just work), but someone needs to take it on. Cheers, Gerwin