On 11 Apr 2023, at 16:22, Jingyao Zhou
wrote: Hi all,
The initial version of the CAmkES to seL4CP Transition Guide has been released.
The guide aims to provide information and advice for those who are migrating applications built using CAmkES to the seL4 Core Platform. The main focus of this guide is on device driver development and virtual machine (monitor) development.
The PDF version of this guide can be found on the Trustworthy Systems web page: https://stage.trustworthy.systems/projects/TS/sel4cp/2304-11-camkes-to-sel4c... https://stage.trustworthy.systems/projects/TS/sel4cp/2304-11-camkes-to-sel4c... The source of this guide can be found in the Trustworthy Systems GitHub repository: https://github.com/au-ts/camkes_to_sel4cp_guide https://github.com/au-ts/camkes_to_sel4cp_guide
Please don’t hesitate to provide feedback!
Regards, Jade.
Sorry for the incorrect link, please use the correct one for the Trustworthy Systems web page: https://trustworthy.systems/projects/TS/sel4cp/2304-11-camkes-to-sel4cp.pdf https://trustworthy.systems/projects/TS/sel4cp/2304-11-camkes-to-sel4cp.pdf