On 11 Sep 2024, at 07:02, Hugo V.C. <skydivebcn@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks T. Having this in a documentation would be nice to improve seL4 learning curve. I really appreciated reading all the explanations, but this T summary is very helpful, like the few really important things an experienced skydiver say to beginners to increase their self confidence.
I don’t think tutorials on microkernels and capabilities belong into the seL4 kernel documentation. However, the white paper could be more explicit about this, I’ll think about that. (I guess the white paper is due for an upgrade anyway, given that the Microkit is now the preferred way for building seL4-based systems.) Incidentally, I yesterday delivered my first Advanced OS lecture for the year, and I had strengthened the explanation of cap invocation, see - p16ff of https://cgi.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs9242/24/lectures/01a-intro.pdf - p4 of https://cgi.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs9242/24/lectures/01b-sel4.pdf Gernot