Greetings. I am working on MIPS port of seL4. Now I can run very simple hello world application which reads and dumps bootinfo page. In other words, I modified elfloader, added platform and architecture support to the kernel, add _sel4_start for mips in libsel4platsupport, adopted mips support of libmuslc to work with __sysinfo in mips and more. Now I have some questions. I see that for different ‘syscalls' muslc uses different routes but with the same end. For example, SYS_ioctl from __stdout_write uses __syscall, provided by libmuslc/arch/<arch>/syscall_arch.h (implemented as CALL_SYSINFO). In the same time, syscall_cp function from __stdio_write is implemented inside libmuslc/src/internal/<arch>/syscall.s which uses __sysinfo in turn. So, that question is why? The second question is about the kernel. Now I am using static configuration of TLB in kerne: I have one region for rootserver aligned to 2MB, and one region for boot info page (also aligned). Thus, I do not have tlb traps since everything is in the TLB. In future, of course, I should add a processing of TLB misses somewhere in the plat/arch part of kernel. I am not familiar with memory support in seL4 yet, is there any syscall for delivery tlb traps? (I see nothing similar) Is there any check inside, for example, SEND call, about a presence of page in TLB? thank you. -- Vasily A. Sartakov