15 Dec
15 Dec
11:13 p.m.
Hi all, I got an RTEMS port working for RISC-V architecture along with seL4. This depends on my earlier seL4 port for RISC-V. RTEMS runs with support of seL4 microkernel, and it runs in Supervisor mode (on another core). seL4 application would allocate and map memory for it from its untyped memory (userspace), before off-loading it to another core. seL4 application that loads/runs RTEMS is pretty much the same as SOS. For more details (and instructions) about how to build/run the project, see the github repo of the port [1], and/or this blog post [2] [1] https://github.com/heshamelmatary/rtems-riscv [2] http://heshamelmatary.blogspot.co.uk/2015/12/rtems-port-for-risc-v-withwitho... Cheers, -- Hesham