Hello, We are looking to add another virtio device to camkes-vm for guests to use. I have been looking through the code at how virtio_net works and I have a pretty decent understanding of how it is configured and used. I have a few design/philosophical questions though. 1. Was any of this (libethdriver, libpci, Ethdriver component, virtio_net.c, virtio_emul.c) ported from somewhere else, or was it all written from scratch? 2. Why is components/Init/src/virtio_net.c used in conjunction with vm0_config.init_cons instead of just using the VMNet templates? 3. Looks like pci handling was decoupled from drivers like libethdriver and it is left up to the VM Init component to configure PCI. What is the reason for that? 4. Virtio_emul.c appears to be the layer that actually provides the virtio interface to the VM. Would it make more sense to make this more generic to cover more devices, or should new emulation files be created for each device? Thanks, Robbie VanVossen