Hi Sid,
On 2 Mar 2022, at 02:47, Sid Agrawal <siagraw@cs.ubc.ca> wrote:
1. Intel's Memory Protection keys let a process restrict the access to given virtual address ranges based on a key. This key is the bit 62:59 of the virtual address. It is stored in the PTE of the level 4/5 Page Table. I want to use this feature in my project.
Does seL4 support the setting of Memory Protection keys for virtual addresses? I couldn't find any mention of it in the source. I understand that if I use the current API of "seL4_X86_PageTable_Map" with those higher bits of the vaddr set, the kernel will ignore them. Is my understanding correct?
Yes, that is correct.
Furthermore, was a decision made not to support MPK at some point?
There has been no explicit decision about this. In terms of the API I think it might be reasonably easy to support this, but I haven't thought through the access control implications of it, i.e. if we could allow setting these bits as purely user-supplied attributes (assuming you present a cap to the table), or if they would need to be controlled by cap rights.
2. As per section 7.3 of the seL4 manual, seL4 doesn't allow sharing of page tables. I am trying to understand the reasoning behind this. Was this done to aid verification?
It's more a restriction of the current design of the relationship between virtual memory caps and virtual memory objects. Allowing sharing of lower-level tables would break that design (in that sense verification would of course forbid that). seL4 does allow sharing of address spaces and frames, though. Cheers, Gerwin