Hello everybody, I'm conducting a C-project, in which the code is utilizing boost library to define several macros. This source code is running well in Linux and using only standard C library (I had tested this libraries individually by some mini-programs on CamKES). My project is organized as follows: - Top folder: + "components" folder contains my c code + "include" folder contains 1 .h file boost1.h and 1 folder test ++ sub-folder "test" contains 1 file boost2.h ++ content of boost1.h is just include "test/boost2.h" + "Makefile" is declared as below: TARGETS := $(notdir ${SOURCE_DIR}).cdl ADL := tst-macro.camkes Client_CFILES := \ $(patsubst ${SOURCE_DIR}/%,%,$(wildcard ${SOURCE_DIR}/components/Client/src/*.c)) \ $(patsubst ${SOURCE_DIR}/%,%,$(wildcard ${SOURCE_DIR}/components/Client/src/plat/${PLAT}/*.c)) \ $(patsubst ${SOURCE_DIR}/%,%,$(wildcard ${SOURCE_DIR}/components/Client/src/arch/${ARCH}/*.c)) Client_ASMFILES := \ $(patsubst ${SOURCE_DIR}/%,%,$(wildcard ${SOURCE_DIR}/components/Client/crt/arch-${ARCH}/crt0.S)) \ $(patsubst ${SOURCE_DIR}/%,%,$(wildcard ${SOURCE_DIR}/components/Client/src/*.S)) \ $(patsubst ${SOURCE_DIR}/%,%,$(wildcard ${SOURCE_DIR}/components/Client/src/arch/${ARCH}/*.S)) \ $(patsubst ${SOURCE_DIR}/%,%,$(wildcard ${SOURCE_DIR}/components/Client/src/plat/${PLAT}/*.S)) Client_HFILES := \ $(patsubst ${SOURCE_DIR}/%,%,$(wildcard ${SOURCE_DIR}/components/Client/include/*)) include ${PWD}/tools/camkes/camkes.mk - This above Makefile, I imitated from another application, and when I compiled the project, there are some errors related to directory of "test/boost2.h". I suspect that there is something wrong with Client_HFILES declaration, since maybe it is only valid for a list of .h files, not for hierarchical folders. - I really want to dive into CamKES, but I only have a little knowledge about this. My project is due so I hope to get some positive advice from you for 2 questions: + The right way to declare multi-level libraries as in my example. + Besides, does CamKES support boost preprocessing lib. Currently I'm using the toolchain arm-none-eabi- Thank all of you for the time and attention. Dinh-Cuong -- ------------------- TRAN Dinh Cuong (Mr) Email : cuongtd4@gmail.com