Compile now no problem however I'm getting error when running. I believe its an invalid opcode exception. I think my build not matching the qemu but I've tried diff machines and they do the same. I also get this warning during build, not sure if this relevant: Warning: Installation path /home/maddthad/camkes-tutorials-manifest/projects/capdl/capDL-tool not found on the PATH environment variable. make: Leaving directory `/home/maddthad/camkes-tutorials-manifest/projects/capdl/capDL-tool' Qemu commanr, lines with ????? suspect: qemu-system-i386 -nographic -m 512 -kernel images/kernel-ia32-pc99 -initrd images/capdl-loader-experimental-image-ia32-pc99 (process:98550): GLib-WARNING **: gmem.c:483: custom memory allocation vtable not supported Boot config: parsing cmdline 'images/kernel-ia32-pc99 ' Boot config: console_port = 0x3f8 Boot config: debug_port = 0x3f8 Boot config: disable_iommu = false ???? Warning: Your kernel was not compiled for the current microarchitecture. Parsing GRUB physical memory map Physical Memory Region from 0 size 9fc00 type 1 Physical Memory Region from 9fc00 size 400 type 2 Physical Memory Region from f0000 size 10000 type 2 Physical Memory Region from 100000 size 1fefe000 type 1 Adding physical memory region 0x100000-0x1f800000 Physical Memory Region from 1fffe000 size 2000 type 2 Physical Memory Region from fffc0000 size 40000 type 2 Multiboot gave us no video information Kernel loaded to: start=0x100000 end=0x160000 size=0x60000 entry=0x10005e ACPI: RSDP paddr=0xf7180 ACPI: RSDP vaddr=0xdfcf7180 ACPI: RSDT paddr=0x1ffffbc1 ACPI: RSDT vaddr=0xdffffbc1 ACPI: FADT paddr=0x1ffff1c0 ACPI: FADT vaddr=0xdffff1c0 ACPI: FADT flags=0x80a5 ACPI: 0 IOMMUs detected ACPI: MADT paddr=0x1ffffb11 ACPI: MADT vaddr=0xdffffb11 ACPI: MADT apic_addr=0xfee00000 ACPI: MADT flags=0x1 ACPI: MADT_APIC apic_id=0x0 ACPI: MADT_IOAPIC ioapic_id=0 ioapic_addr=0xfec00000 gsib=0 ACPI: MADT_ISO bus=0 source=0 gsi=2 flags=0x0 ACPI: MADT_ISO bus=0 source=5 gsi=5 flags=0xd ACPI: MADT_ISO bus=0 source=9 gsi=9 flags=0xd ACPI: MADT_ISO bus=0 source=10 gsi=10 flags=0xd ACPI: MADT_ISO bus=0 source=11 gsi=11 flags=0xd ACPI: 1 CPU(s) detected Detected 1 IOAPICs, but configured to use PIC instead Detected 1 boot module(s): module #0: start=0x161000 end=0x25aed0 size=0xf9ed0 name='images/capdl-loader-experimental-image-ia32-pc99' ELF-loading userland images from boot modules: size=0x189000 v_entry=0x804f544 v_start=0x8048000 v_end=0x81d1000 p_start=0x25b000 p_end=0x3e4000 Moving loaded userland images to final location: from=0x25b000 to=0x160000 size=0x189000 Starting node #0 with APIC ID 0 Booting all finished, dropped to user space Caught cap fault in send phase at address 0x0 while trying to handle: ?????? user exception 0x6 code 0x0 in thread 0xff3f5d00 "rootserver" at address 0x805130e With stack: 0x80cfda0: 0x0 0x80cfda4: 0x0 0x80cfda8: 0x0 0x80cfdac: 0x0 0x80cfdb0: 0x0 0x80cfdb4: 0x0 0x80cfdb8: 0x0 0x80cfdbc: 0x0 0x80cfdc0: 0x0 0x80cfdc4: 0x0 0x80cfdc8: 0x0 0x80cfdcc: 0x0 0x80cfdd0: 0x0 0x80cfdd4: 0x0 0x80cfdd8: 0x0 0x80cfddc: 0x0 QEMU: Terminated Have a great day.