Hello Ihor, My name is Chris Guikema, and I am an embedded systems engineer at DornerWorks, located in Grand Rapids Michigan. I am currently working on a project that requires the use of the CAmkES system, and I would like some help, if you are willing to. The project is to allow for debugging using CAmkES. The debugging process was successfully implemented in a simple seL4 program by using the init thread to set up an exception thread and setting up the exception endpoint, which was mapped to the init thread. The init thread was then used to implement a bad assembly code, which fired an exception. The exception handler thread was waiting on something to appear at the endpoint, and then grabbed the program counter and the stack of the init thread and sent it to a GDB function, which allowed debugging. My job is to replicate the debugging using CAmkES. However, CAmkES doesn't seem to want the application to utilize any of the seL4 system calls, and I don't believe the application knows its root cspace and vspace, so any attempt to initialize a debug thread and setup an exception endpoint just don't work. What steps do I need to take to 1, set up an endpoint that I could map to the exception endpoint (the simple libraries cause a vm fault), and 2, set up a thread that waits on the application to throw an exception and allow the debugging to occur. Any help you could send me would be appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks Chris Guikema