On Thu, May 17, 2018 at 6:04 AM, Paolo Crisafulli <paolo.crisafulli@irt-systemx.fr> wrote:
Thank you very much for your very interesting answer.
Some issues: - I'm no longer getting output from my emulated app in the terminal.
Hmm, I am not sure, this is not something i've used in this regard, merely knew of. I imagine you added -nographic? I'm not seeing any output either, but I imagine that is perhaps because i'm not writing anything to the serial port :)
- After echoing "quit", the socket seems to be no longer read (further socat commands hang), but ps still lists qemu-system-arm.
I don't experience this here, e.g. qemu always exits this could perhaps be because of my little snippet launching qemu in the background? e.g. try getting rid of the & and running the echo's from another terminal If that's what you already did though, i'm not sure, apologies.
Is that expected?
Not in my experience, I believe it should exit, although I see this "-no-quit" command line option, that deals with the graphical window close though so i wouldn't expect it to change this behavior
On 15/05/18 21:08, Matt Rice wrote:
On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 7:43 AM, Paolo Crisafulli <paolo.crisafulli@irt-systemx.fr> wrote:
Hi there,
I have written a seL4 app using CAmkES, that I am continuously building using Jenkins.
I'd like to add a test step to this continuous integration process, launching the app with qemu and parsing the output to validate my expectations.
The thing is, although all the active ("control") components reach their last instruction after a while, seL4 does not "exit" (which is expected I guess) and qemu does not stop, keeping my continuous integration job running for ever.
Any idea on how to achieve this?
Thank you very much in advance.
I'd imagine there are probably a few ways, mainly by binding the monitor to some input device, the following uses a unix socket/socat
qemu-system-i386 -monitor unix:path=./monitor.io,server,nowait & # can exit whenever with echo "system_powerdown" | socat - UNIX-CONNECT:monitor.io echo "quit" | socat - UNIX-CONNECT:monitor.io