Thank you for your help! I disabled the video controller, and now Linux stopped at ADMA error, before that I got a SMMU address translation error again.
SMMU Address translation error: ID: 99 address: 0x80000000 type: 6 direction: 0x0 IOPT permission: read 0x0 write 0x0 nonsecure 0x0
The ID 99 seems to be out of range, but I don't know what's wrong with it. At 2017-08-04 14:34:53, Kent.Mcleod@data61.csiro.au wrote: ID 1 should correspond to the DC SMMU group which we assign ASSID 3, which is referred to in CAmkES as 2. We disable the video controller in our Linux configs and device tree file I believe, so I haven't tested if providing the correct SMMU configuration fixes your issue sorry. If you don't need the video controller, you could try disabling it in the Linux config and device tree specification. Kind regards, Kent. From: Devel <devel-bounces@sel4.systems> on behalf of li94575 <li94575@163.com> Sent: Thursday, August 3, 2017 11:29 PM To: devel Subject: Re: [seL4] Can I run Android on camkes-arm-vm with tk1 board? Hi, I turned off the CONFIG_SMMU_INTERRUPT_ENABLE because of the SMMU address translation error, like this:
SMMU Address translation error:
ID: 1 address: 0xbde00000 type: 6 direction: 0x0 IOPT permission: read 0x0 write 0x0 nonsecure 0x0 I tried to add the IDs 2 and 3 to the vm.smmu field in vm_common.camkes, but that does not work. Do I need to make any other changes?