If anyone is interested, I put something related on supporting the UART1 on the beaglebone here: http://julien.gunnm.org/geek/sel4/beaglebone%20black/2016/06/15/beaglebone-b... On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 11:59 AM, Julien Delange <julien.delange@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,
I tried the platform_init or adding the instructions in uboot but still have some issues at execution (see below).
My code is the following, mostly inspired by the code in the platsupport lib. The uartmem pointer is the memory address configured in the camkes assembly (which is configured as follow: drv.mem_attributes = "0x48022000:0x1000";). Here, I am just trying to put an 'h' on the uart.
Does anyone have a code sample that uses the UART1 of the beaglebone they could share so that I could investigate what I doing wrong? That might help, it should be a stupid initialization error or something closely related.
int uart_putchar(int c) { while (!(*REG_PTR(uartmem, LSR) & LSR_TXFIFOE)) { continue; } *REG_PTR(uartmem, THR) = c;
return c; }
int run(void) { int val; printf("run\n"); while (1) { activator_wait(); user_ping_spg ((*data_sink) ); uart_putchar ('h'); val = uart_getchar();
printf ("UART= %d\n", val);
} return 0; }
Caught cap fault in send phase at address 0x0 while trying to handle: vm fault on data at address 0x314000 with status 0x7 in thread 0xf237d900 "Cons_PingMe(1)" at address 0x1001a8 With stack: 0x232cb0: 0x20f19c 0x232cb4: 0x1 0x232cb8: 0x20ed90 0x232cbc: 0x100ebc 0x232cc0: 0x1 0x232cc4: 0x0 0x232cc8: 0x1 0x232ccc: 0x0 0x232cd0: 0x0 0x232cd4: 0x0 0x232cd8: 0x0 0x232cdc: 0x0 0x232ce0: 0x0 0x232ce4: 0x0 0x232ce8: 0x0 0x232cec: 0x0
On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 7:40 AM, Jeff Hieb <jlhieb01@louisville.edu> wrote:
I have tried making mux changes in CAmkES (though I can't say exhaustively) and what I experienced was that it didn't work. My reading of the AMX335x manual is that the processor has to be in the highest privilege mode to changes to the control module registers. I added the control module memory page to hardware.c, but when I wrote to the registers they didn't change? It is however certainly possible that I did something wrong. Now that I have the driver working, I should go back and try again.
I just tried modifying platform_init and that seems to work. Thanks!
Jeffrey L. Hieb Department of Engineering Fundamentals University of Louisville Louisville Kentucky 40292 (502) 852 0465
On 6/10/2016 8:19 PM, Alexander Kroh wrote:
The solution that we use is to create a "mux" CAmkES component to configures the pins. Dependent components then send an RPC to this component, which returns only once the MUX configuration has completed. Of course, it is likely that the mux device memory will also need to be exported as a frame cap for this platform via changes to kernel/src/plat/am335x/machine/hardware.c
Alternatively, one could modify void platform_init(void){} within the elfloader-tool to include the manual manipulation: *(volatile uint32_t*)0x44E10980 = 0x30 *(volatile uint32_t*)0x44E10984 = 0x00
- AlexK
________________________________________ From: Devel [devel-bounces@sel4.systems] on behalf of Jeff Hieb [ jlhieb01@louisville.edu] Sent: Saturday, 11 June 2016 09:06 To: devel@sel4.systems Subject: Re: [seL4] Beaglebone black/CAmkES issue
I am using UART1 (and 2 and 4) on BBB with Camkes.
I think you need to set the pin mux on the board. Linux does this with something called device tree overlays ( https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__learn.adafruit.com_introduction-2Dto-2Dthe-2Dbeaglebone-2Dblack-2Ddevice-2Dtree_device-2Dtree-2Doverlays&d=AwIFAg&c=SgMrq23dbjbGX6e0ZsSHgEZX6A4IAf1SO3AJ2bNrHlk&r=vxDfYJYhOaaufTHzA3yxVVn--9Yf3Ig5TrUiTFGL8pc&m=C5a3iZw4GmcNm0Rx6PhN12aOif1P10puZ0_iN0s4Oog&s=4HJlLN4fCMrxPH6GfZjR3F931pN1ZmbmYLMA83yf6w8&e= ).
Sel4 and Camkes don't provide away to set the mux for the pins (that I am aware of), So you have do it before booting the kernel.
I haven't found a particularly clean way to do this yet. Currently I am just using UBoot to set the pin muxes.
Before booting your kernel, at the UBoot command line try these two lines:
mw.l 0x44E10980 0x30
mw.l 0x44E10984 0x00
This should correctly turn on the UART 1 Rx and Tx lines.
Also. I you want to turn on the fifos, the reference manual seems to gloss over part of how to do that. Here is my code to
// config to fifo with interrupt but no DMA *UART_REG(LCR) = 0xBF; *UART_REG(EFR) = 0x10; *UART_REG(LCR) = 0x80; *UART_REG(SCR) = 0x01; *UART_REG(MCR) = 0x40; *UART_REG(TLR) = 0x11;
*UART_REG(MCR) = 0x00; *UART_REG(FCR) = 0x07;
Jeffrey L. Hieb Department of Engineering Fundamentals University of Louisville Louisville Kentucky 40292 (502) 852 0465
On 6/10/2016 3:05 PM, Julien Delange wrote: Yep, I did this. The code boots correctly and the device is recognized. The serial is still not working, I assume this is a matter of code right now.
On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 2:57 PM, Tim Newsham <tim.newsham@gmail.com <mailto:tim.newsham@gmail.com>> wrote: I think you need to add a line in kernel/src/plat/am335x/machine/hardware.c for this.
On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 8:37 AM, Julien Delange <<mailto: julien.delange@gmail.com>julien.delange@gmail.com<mailto: julien.delange@gmail.com>> wrote: I am using the second serial interface of the beaglebone black. According to the source code (in libsel4platsupport/plat_include/am335x/sel4platsupport/plat/hw/soc_AM335x.h), the address is 0x48022000). The following line is found in the source
#define SOC_UART_1_REGS (0x48022000)
So, in CAmkES, I configure the hardware component that represents the serial hardware component with the following attributes:
drv.mem_attributes = "0x48022000:0x1000";
The application compiles fine. However, when launching the image on the target, I have the following issue. Any idea about how to solve this? Does anybody successfully used UART1 on the beaglebone black? Or have any idea/suggestion to investigate?
Creating object conn1_frame__timer_0 in slot 728, from untyped 29b... device frame, paddr = 0x48040000, size = 12 bits Creating object conn2_frame__Cons_PingMe_0 in slot 729, from untyped 29b... device frame, paddr = 0x48022000, size = 12 bits
capDL-loader :: << Error: Failed to find device frame at paddr = 0x48022000
Ignoring call to sys_rt_sigprocmask Ignoring call to sys_gettid sys_tkill assuming self kill
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