Hey; configuration is a pretty big space and I didn't see anything specific, and may have bumped into a bug along the way. Here's some details about getting seL4test working, and using the EGA driver on this platform. Here's the commits I'm on: - sel4test 95522e9 - seL4 ddeb18a01 I managed to get seL4test running in VirtualBox on a Tiger Lake chip some weeks ago, not terribly impressive, things worked pretty well, generally. - I discovered that on the platform I needed to manually set all the '*HAVE_TIMER*' flags in the code to 0 - to get the tests to succeed on VirtualBox; CMake doesn't appear to support this transformation. - a major stumbling block was that these changes were being reverted each time I re-ran CMake, under my feet. So that's pretty cool... Some further exploration I discovered that there's the pc99/ega (ega.c) driver, since I'm curious about the requirements for starting to build a custom OS on top of seL4 for this platform, and seeing it run on the hardware in front of me (again, a Tiger Lake laptop). I spent many weeks trying to massage things into place. Reading and learning along side the bootstrap pathway; multiboot.S -> head.S -> boot_sys -> common -> char_dev ... to no avail. However I came into some time and decided to revisit the problem. - #define MULTIBOOT_GRAPHICS_TEXT 2 is an error; Multiboot1 spec has that this should be 1, instead - When I was trying to boot UEFI, this would manifest as a Protection Fault - Fixing this left the system booting, utilizing high amount of CPU, and then going quiet. - UEFI on this platform has unclear / additional requirements / doesn't actually support EGA/VGA text mode - https://www.reddit.com/r/osdev/comments/st0psl/framebuffer_output_for_multib...