Has anyone had issues with serial when running the test suite on a Raspberry Pi 3b? Currently I am following the blog post: https://research.csiro.au/tsblog/sel4-raspberry-pi-3/ In the seL4test project I have successfully compiled sel4test-driver-image-arm-bcm2837 from rpi3_debug_xml_defconfig. Along with this I have the following files: bootcode.bin, start.elf, u-boot.bin, and config.txt. Bootcode.bin and start.elf are from the current Raspian firmware. Config.txt just contains a line to enable UART ("enable_uart=1") and one to point and u-boot.bin ("kernel=u-boot.bin"). And per the comment section of the seL4 post I downgraded the version of u-boot to before March 2017 (currently using Jan 2017). I am not deviating from the blog posting but I am experiencing an issue not mentioned. I have no serial output (I do have a u-boot terminal prompt through HDMI, so I can load/boot the binary). When I boot seL4 I receive the misaligned cache messages (through HDMI) and then it hangs. Without serial I have no eyes to see if the seL4 tests are running. Other than wiring into the RPI3 UART (GND/TX/RX on pins 6/8/10) and enabling UART in config.txt is there another step I'm missing? Thanks for any direction you can point me in, Steve

"Steven" == Steven Johnston <steve.johnston@adventiumlabs.com> writes:
Steven> I am not deviating from the blog posting but I am experiencing Steven> an issue not mentioned. I have no serial output (I do have a Steven> u-boot terminal prompt through HDMI, so I can load/boot the Steven> binary). When I boot seL4 I receive the misaligned cache Steven> messages (through HDMI) and then it hangs. Without serial I Steven> have no eyes to see if the seL4 tests are running. If you don't see serial output from U-Boot then maybe the wires are around the wrong way on the UART. Try swapping TX and RX wires. Peter C -- Dr Peter Chubb Tel: +61 2 9490 5852 http://ts.data61.csiro.au/ Trustworthy Systems Group Data61 (formerly NICTA)

I did do this as part of my testing and saw the same result. I also confirmed the USB-to-serial cable I am using works on another board. Steve On 08/22/2017 05:14 PM, Peter.Chubb@data61.csiro.au wrote:
"Steven" == Steven Johnston <steve.johnston@adventiumlabs.com> writes:
Steven> I am not deviating from the blog posting but I am experiencing Steven> an issue not mentioned. I have no serial output (I do have a Steven> u-boot terminal prompt through HDMI, so I can load/boot the Steven> binary). When I boot seL4 I receive the misaligned cache Steven> messages (through HDMI) and then it hangs. Without serial I Steven> have no eyes to see if the seL4 tests are running.
If you don't see serial output from U-Boot then maybe the wires are around the wrong way on the UART. Try swapping TX and RX wires.
Peter C -- Dr Peter Chubb Tel: +61 2 9490 5852 http://ts.data61.csiro.au/ Trustworthy Systems Group Data61 (formerly NICTA)
participants (2)
Steven Johnston