Trouble getting a custom kernel to boot under sel4 on a tk1 board

I am having difficulty getting a custom kernel to boot under sel4 on a tk1 board. I have no problems building and booting an image that uses the pre-built linux-tk1-initrd file found in the projects/vm/linux folder. Howoever, when I build a “custom” kernel using buildroot-2016.08.1 as specified in this<> the boot process hangs shortly after it loads the dtb. <<seL4(CPU 0) [decodeUntypedInvocation/212 T0xffc2d400 "rootserver" @106f0]: Untyped Retype: Insufficient memory (1 * 2097152 bytes needed, 0 bytes available).>> Loading Linux: 'linux' dtb: 'linux-dtb' install_linux_devices@main.c<mailto:install_linux_devices@main.c>:605 module name: map_frame_hack install_linux_devices@main.c<mailto:install_linux_devices@main.c>:605 module name: plat I am using the buildroot_tk1_initrd_defconfig file, also located in the projects/vm/linux folder. I am simply replacing the linux-tk1-initrd file in projects/vm/linux with the image file that gets created in the buildroot-2016.08.1/output/build/linux-custom/arch/arm/boot folder. I then clean my build directory and do the requisite “../ -DPLATFORM=tk1 -DCAMKES_VM_APP=vm_minimal” followed by “ninja”. I then put the capdl-loader-image-arm-tk1 file on an SD card, put it in the Tk1 and do: “fatload mmc 1 0x82000000 <filename>” followed by “bootefi 0x82000000” Assuming the guidance on buildroot and the defconfig supplied match what was used to create the working pre-built linux-tk1-initrd kernel the “custom” kernel I built should be very similar. So, what am I missing? Why would a custom kernel hang at the above mentioned point in the boot process?
participants (1)
Travis Wheatley