New documentation website:

We are pleased to annouce a new documentation website at <>! The documentation site is now using GitHub pages, generated from a GitHub repository <> using a popular static site generator, Jekyll. GitHub pages hosted documentation is a standard documentation pattern familiar to many in the open-source community. Content from the previous wiki has been migrated to the new site, while the wiki itself is no longer available. The new documentation format should welcome community contributions, and be easier to maintain for the following reasons: * Contributions are welcome via pull request. * Easier editing through Markdown (GFM), an open document format. * Content styling is now separate from presentation. * The site can be checked out and hosted locally. * Contributions are versioned and reviewed, and tagged at released versions of seL4. We hope that this will lead to the quality of our documentation increasing as it is easier and more accessible to update. Contributions, via pull requests or feature requests on github, are welcome. Kent
participants (1)