Porting Sel4 with RPi 3B+

Hi, Professional Devel Support of Sel4, We are porting Sel4 with RPi 3B+, but we fail to boot RPi 3B+ with Sel4 successfully. We cann't find the problem, please help us. we follow the Steps: 1. Use Raspberry Pi Imager v1.4 to burn the operation system (Raspberry Pi OS Lite 32bit) on SD card, and it works well with hardware of RPi 3B+. 2. Build Sel4test-manifest: 2.1 clone the repo of https://github.com/seL4/sel4test-manifest.git 2.2 build image with ../init-build.sh -DPLATFORM=rpi3 -DAARCH32=1 2.3 the image file (sel4test-driver-image-arm-bcm2837) is produced successfully. 3. Following the SD card setup, Copy the following files to root direcctory of SD. 3.1 sel4test-driver-image-arm-bcm2837 3.2 bootcode.bin and start.elf from https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware/tree/master/boot 3.3 u-boot.bin downloaded from https://sel4.systems/Info/Docs/u-boot-working-rpi3-32bit-v2017.11.bin 3.4 Add enable_uart=1 and kernel=u-boot.bin to the bottom of config.txt 3.5 uboot.env, we fail to find the file, so we don't use the file. if you know the step to produce uboot.env, please lead us. 4. Re-insert SD into the RPi3B+, and power the RPi3B+ on, the RPi3B+ shows the U-Boot successfully. 4.1 sel4test-driver-image-arm-bcm2837 image file’s name printed out with the command of "fatls mmc 0" 4.2 fatload the image with command of "fatload mmc 0 0x10000000 sel4test-driver-image-arm-bcm2837", the result: reading sel4test-driver-image-arm-bcm2837 4791000 bytes read in 406 ms (11.3 MiB/s) 4.3 bootelf 0x10000000, the result: CACHE: Misaligned operation at range [0082a000, 0082a034] CACHE: Misaligned operation at range [0082b000, 00834fcc] CACHE: Misaligned operation at range [00834fcc, 00835b07] CACHE: Misaligned operation at range [00c9be40, 00c9be9c] CACHE: Misaligned operation at range [00c9be9c, 00c9bec8] ## Starting application at 0x0082a000 ... Then, RPi3B+ is blocked and without anything else to display ! ---- Thanks, Alen 肖月振(萧琒) 阿里云事业群-IOT事业部-飞天六十四部 电话:13391191786 邮箱:yuezhen.xyz@alibaba-inc.com

"萧琒" == 萧琒 <yuezhen.xyz@alibaba-inc.com> writes:
萧琒> Misaligned operation at range [00c9be9c, 00c9bec8] ## Starting 萧琒> application at 0x0082a000 ... 萧琒> Then, RPi3B+ is blocked and without anything else to display ! You should see output on the serial port. seL4test doesn't drive the video output. Please disconnect any displays, and connect your raspi3 to a serial adapter. There are instructions here: https://en.opensuse.org/HCL:Raspberry_Pi3_Serial_Console Peter C -- Peter Chubb Tel: +61 2 9490 5852 http://ts.data61.csiro.au/ Trustworthy Systems Group CSIRO's Data61
participants (2)
Chubb, Peter (Data61, Kensington NSW)