Genode 16.08 supports dynamic workloads on seL4

Hello, we are proud to announce that the just released version 16.08 of the Genode OS Framework brings vastly extended seL4 support, which allows interactive and dynamic system scenarios to run directly on the x86 version of the seL4 kernel. With the new version, users of seL4 can compose dynamic operating systems from a plethora of ready-to-use Genode components. First, there are our time-tested device drivers and protocol stacks: - VESA driver (based on x86emu of XOrg) - Intel graphics driver (based on Linux 4.4.3), e.g., to drive external connectors - Intel wireless stack (based on Linux 4.4.3) including WPA supplicant - Network driver (based on iPXE) - AHCI, PS/2, PIT, ACPI driver - Audio driver (ported from OpenBSD 5.9) - USB driver (based on Linux 4.4.3) with hot-plug support - lwIP - light weight TCP/IP stack - Linux TCP/IP Stack (ported from Linux 4.4.3) - File-system support, e.g., ext2 based on Rump kernels Also, Genode includes a range of low-complexity resource multiplexers: - Secure GUI multiplexer - Nitpicker - Highly configurable and dynamical window manager - Audio mixer - Virtual networking components - Virtual file-system support For application development, there are several runtime environments and high-level libraries: - Noux - UNIX-like subsystem to run command-line-based GNU software like bash, vim, coreutils, gcc/g++, ... - Environments for the Rust, Python, and Lua programming languages - Base libraries like libc, standard C++ library, pthreads, OpenSSL, Readline etc. - Qt5 libraries and applications, including Webkit There's a lot more to explore and - in the pure microkernel way - each of these components are executed in user mode as separate protection domains on seL4. More details about version 16.08 can be found in the extensive release documentation: and, for the impatient, a life demo scenario of Genode on seL4 can be downloaded: Best regards, -- Alexander Boettcher Genode Labs · Genode Labs GmbH · Amtsgericht Dresden · HRB 28424 · Sitz Dresden Geschäftsführer: Dr.-Ing. Norman Feske, Christian Helmuth
participants (1)
Alexander Boettcher