seL4 summit: deadline extension to 24th of April

31 Mar
31 Mar
7:36 a.m.
The deadline to submit a presentation to the seL4 summit 2023 is extended by 2 weeks. You now have until the 24th of April 2023 to propose a talk, by uploading an abstract of one page or less to: The reason for the extension is that we want to let you know the definite dates for the summit before the deadline :) Current tentative (and very likely) dates are 19-20-21 September 2023, to be confirmed very soon. Looking forward to receiving your proposals. We want to hear about your cool seL4 work! And spread the word! If you want to hear about specific seL4 work, ping people around you or let us know at <> June
Age (days ago)
Last active (days ago)
1 participants
participants (1)
June Andronick (seL4 Foundation)