Hello! My name is Joe Quigley, I found out about the project recently and want to start experimenting with it on a Rasberry Pi I have floating around. Because it uses a very similar ARMv6 CPU as the KZM-ARM11-01, am I correct in assuming it will work with that kernel? -- --Joe Quigley

"Joe" == Quigley, Joseph <quigleyj@mssm.org> writes:
Joe> My name is Joe Quigley I found out about the project Joe> recently and want to start experimenting with it on a Joe> Rasberry Pi I have floating around. Because it uses a very Joe> similar ARMv6 CPU as the KZM-ARM11-01, am I correct in Joe> assuming it will work with that kernel? We haven't tried it. I expect there'd be some porting required, as every board has a different memory layout. You'd also have to write the appropriate bits of libsel4platsupport, which is platform, not cpu, specific. I don't imagine it'd be too much work to get something basic going. -- Dr Peter Chubb peter.chubb AT nicta.com.au http://www.ssrg.nicta.com.au Software Systems Research Group/NICTA
participants (2)
Peter Chubb
Quigley, Joseph