additional: some question about VisualCAmkES ?

Hi, I found the VisualCAmkES tool can not parse grammar like import and marco in cmakes file, If I write very simple camkes file, only include one assembly and component. I want to know How can I use this VisualCAmkES tool to generate visual file in complex project like vm_minimal ? 发件人: 发送时间: 2020年4月25日 21:06 收件人: '' 主题: some question about VisualCAmkES ? Hi, I want to use VisualCAmkES for view,I follow the step of I meet the below Problem, how can I resolve it ? Thank you very much Syntax Error (u'/home/ sel4_horizon/camkes-arm-vm/projects/vm/ apps/vm_cross_connector/vm_cross_connector.camkes:36:5: \x1b[31m\ x1b[1mVM_INIT_DEF\x1b[0m()', u' ', u"Syntax error in input at 'VM_INIT_DEF' (type ID) line 36 col 5", u"Syntax error in input at 'VM_GENERAL_COMPOSITION_DEF' (type ID) line 45 col 9", u"Syntax error in input at '(' (type _ANON_4) line 60 col 37")
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