Trouble with the tun/tap interface in linux guest

Thanks to recent patches I have been able to build and boot the linux guest kernel under the simulator in the camkes-arm-vm project using the vm_minimal configuration. However, I am having trouble accessing it via the network interface. First I set up a tap interface as follows: # sudo ip tuntap add tap0 mode tap # sudo ip addr add dev tap0 # sudo ip link set dev tap0 up Then I start the simulation using the following command line, which I believe should make the tap interface appear as an e1000 nic to the guest kernel: ./simulate --extra-qemu-args="-net nic,model=e1000 -net tap,script=no,ifname=tap0” In the linux guest the “ip a” command shows that there is a tunl0 network device available. I have tried a couple of methods of activating it including using ifconfig to bring it up and assign it an ip address as well as the “ip link set tun0 up” followed by the “ip addr add dev tunl0” command. According to ifconfig both of these bring the interface up and provide it with an ip address. However, I can’t ping the tap ip address from the guest nor can I ping the guest tunl0 interface from another console on the host. So, what am I missing?

It could be that the camkes configuration doesn't pass through the PCI device to the Linux guest? You need to add the Interrupts and PCI MMIO configurations below: vm0.untyped_mmios = [ "0x8040000:12", // Interrupt Controller Virtual CPU interface (Virtual Machine view) "0x10040000:17", // QEMU PCI MMIO "0x3eff0000:16", // QEMU PCI IO ports "0x40000000:29", // Linux kernel memory regions ]; vm0.dtb_irqs = [35, 36, 37, 38]; The device should then appear in the guest under eth0. Kent.
participants (2)
Mcleod, Kent (Data61, Kensington NSW)
Travis Wheatley