Failed to find device frame in new verion on my environment

Hi, I recently move my wrok to a new seL4 version (I checkout default.xml in project camkes-arm-vm on 2020.02.25), I have below error print: “create_object@main.c:659 [Cond failed: err != seL4_NoError] Failed to find device frame/untyped at paddr = 0x90006000” 1、 I debug code, /**/ is my environment run parameter BOOT_CODE bool_t create_device_untypeds(cap_t root_cnode_cap, seL4_SlotPos slot_pos_before) { paddr_t start = 0; /*---------------------add region, start = 0x1800000, end = 0x2080000 *---------------------add region, start = 0x20ff000, end = 0x2100000 *---------------------add region, start = 0x80000000, end = 0x90001000 *---------------------add region, start = 0x90003000, end = 0x90004000 */ for (word_t i = 0; i < ndks_boot.resv_count; i++) { if (start < ndks_boot.reserved[i].start) { region_t reg = paddr_to_pptr_reg((p_region_t) { start, ndks_boot.reserved[i].start }); if (!create_untypeds_for_region(root_cnode_cap, true, reg, slot_pos_before)) { return false; } } start = ndks_boot.reserved[i].end; } /*---------------------add region, start = 0x90005000, CONFIG_PADDR_USER_DEVICE_TOP = 0xff, PPTR_TOP = 0xffffc0000000*/ if (start < CONFIG_PADDR_USER_DEVICE_TOP) { region_t reg = paddr_to_pptr_reg((p_region_t) { start, CONFIG_PADDR_USER_DEVICE_TOP }); /* * The auto-generated bitfield code will get upset if the * end pptr is larger than the maximum pointer size for this architecture. */ if (reg.end > PPTR_TOP) { reg.end = PPTR_TOP; } if (!create_untypeds_for_region(root_cnode_cap, true, reg, slot_pos_before)) { return false; } } return true; } 2、 CONFIG_PADDR_USER_DEVICE_TOP = 0xff, I found print the value must use 0x%x, can’t use 0x%lx, it is wrong 3、My platform is cortexA53 kernel/src/plat/j2/config.cmake:28: set(KernelArmCortexA53 ON) 4、and I change follow KernelArmCortexA53: a) ‘math(EXPR KernelPaddrUserTop "(1 << 40) - 1")’ to ‘set(KernelPaddrUserTop "1099511627775")’ ----------the print is “Failed to find device frame” disappear 5、my pc tools install,follow the seL4 wiki, cmakes version is 3.12.2 (> 3.7.2) 6、I did not find error or warning when I ../ -DAARCH64=TRUE …… ---------------is it need to install new tools? Or other problem Thank you very much.

a) ‘math(EXPR KernelPaddrUserTop "(1 << 40) - 1")’ to ‘set(KernelPaddrUserTop "1099511627775")’ This issue looks like it was caused by the `math` statement not setting a correct value for KernelPaddrUserTop. Testing it under different versions of CMake I see KernelPaddrUserTop gets assigned with the correct values. Has this issue kept occurring for you or was it only when you first updated your projects to the newer version?
participants (2)
Mcleod, Kent (Data61, Kensington NSW)