Hi, I like the Camkes (3) tool and believe it is essential for making seL4 accessible for developers. However, I have noticed some unexpected limitations that I believe are either bugs or incomplete features. Issue A: A hierarchical component cannot have a dataport with a custom data type. (However, a non-hierarchical component can have a dataport with a custom data type. Also, a hierarchical component can have a dataport with a built-in data type such as Buf.) Issue B: A dataport provided by a sub-component cannot be exported as a dataport belonging to the hierarchical component that contains it. (However, the export of event notifications from sub-components works just fine.) Attached is the relevant code that demonstrates both issues, which is a contrived example to highlight the issues without other stuff getting in the way. Please note that the code as is compiles just fine, however if you comment and uncomment a few lines of code (as instructed in Duck.camkes, Duckherd.camkes and Duckling.camkes), the issues can be demonstrated (separately) as compile failures. There may be other issues with hierarchical components that I am not yet aware of, as the above issues (unfortunately) have prevented me from experimenting with them further. Could you please acknowledge if these are issues that you are aware of, and if there is likely to be a fix in a future Camkes 4 release? Regards, Dr Samuel Chenoweth Cyber Security Researcher DST Group Note: I would have sent this email from my work email address ( samuel.chenoweth@dst.defence.gov.au), however I sent it from my personal address instead because of issues to do with our email gateway. All the contents of this email are UNCLASSIFIED and non-sensitive.

?Hi Sam, Thanks for your email. Regarding issue A, I was unable to reproduce your issue. In the source you sent, some of the include statements for myrtc.h had a # in front of them (in Duck.camkes and DuckHerd.camkes)? which causes the parser to treat them as a C preprocessor directive and still valid syntax. After removing the # the project built and ran. As for Issue B, there is in fact an implementation bug in how exporting is implemented for dataports and potentially the other connector interface types. Some of the templates are not aware that the dataport is only a 'virtual connection' and shouldn't have any code generated for it in the parent component. We have started working on a fix for this internally and should release it within a couple of days. Until then, if you wanted to hack around the problem, you could try replacing the //export duckling.my_dp -> child_dp; with connection seL4SharedData duckling_info_con_internal(from child_dp, to duckling.my_dp); This will almost have the same effect, however the parent duck will end up with the shared data port mapped into its own address space as well as the duckling and duckherd component instances. I can let you know when our fix gets released. Kind regards, Kent. ________________________________ From: Devel <devel-bounces@sel4.systems> on behalf of Sam Chenoweth <samuelchenoweth@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2018 12:18 PM To: devel@sel4.systems Subject: [seL4] Camkes limitations Hi, I like the Camkes (3) tool and believe it is essential for making seL4 accessible for developers. However, I have noticed some unexpected limitations that I believe are either bugs or incomplete features. Issue A: A hierarchical component cannot have a dataport with a custom data type. (However, a non-hierarchical component can have a dataport with a custom data type. Also, a hierarchical component can have a dataport with a built-in data type such as Buf.) Issue B: A dataport provided by a sub-component cannot be exported as a dataport belonging to the hierarchical component that contains it. (However, the export of event notifications from sub-components works just fine.) Attached is the relevant code that demonstrates both issues, which is a contrived example to highlight the issues without other stuff getting in the way. Please note that the code as is compiles just fine, however if you comment and uncomment a few lines of code (as instructed in Duck.camkes, Duckherd.camkes and Duckling.camkes), the issues can be demonstrated (separately) as compile failures. There may be other issues with hierarchical components that I am not yet aware of, as the above issues (unfortunately) have prevented me from experimenting with them further. Could you please acknowledge if these are issues that you are aware of, and if there is likely to be a fix in a future Camkes 4 release? Regards, Dr Samuel Chenoweth Cyber Security Researcher DST Group Note: I would have sent this email from my work email address (samuel.chenoweth@dst.defence.gov.au<mailto:samuel.chenoweth@dst.defence.gov.au>), however I sent it from my personal address instead because of issues to do with our email gateway. All the contents of this email are UNCLASSIFIED and non-sensitive.
participants (2)
Sam Chenoweth