seL4 8.0.0 and CAmkES camkes-3.2.0 release

seL4 8.0.0 and CAmkES camkes-3.2.0 release = seL4 8.0.0 = Note: Meltdown and Spectre patches are not included in this release and will be included in a forthcoming release once they have been verified. Once they are merged they will still be accessible through the master branch of seL4 on github. Release notes: CHANGES file in = CAmkES camkes-3.2.0 = Release notes: CHANGES file in = Miscellaneous updates = == CMake build system == Replacing the current kbuild build system with a new CMake build system is still in progress. The kernel only CMake build is now used by l4v. Initial CMake versions for sel4test, sel4bench and our CAmkES projects are still being developed. We intend to do a release that contains the Kbuild and CMake scripts working side by side, and will then start to remove the Kbuild scripts after that. == Changes to manifests for our projects == Each project that we maintain now has a default.xml and master.xml manifest file. master.xml is used to specify the branch tips of the upstream git repositories that a project uses. default.xml now pins all of the repositories to revisions that last passed our regression tests. For this current release and future releases a release tag will be created on each manifest repo specifying the revision of default.xml that uses the released revisions of all the repositories. The seL4 and camkes-tool repos will still be tagged on each release, and all other repositories will have versioned branches created the same as before. We have only just finished testing this change and the various documentation will be updated over the coming days. == Meltdown and Spectre == As mentioned above, Meltdown and Spectre related patches are not present in this release and will be merged into the kernel once verification is complete. There will likely be a blog post accompanying their release. ?
participants (1)