I have been trying to get groups with CAmkES 2.2 working, but it doesn't look like it will build correctly. At first, when I place components in a group, I get that there is an unresolved reference to one of the components during compilation.
I was able to get past this by moving the function assign_address_spaces in camkes/camkes/runner/Transforms.py from POST_RESOLUTION to PRE_RESOLUTION, but after that I still ran into some issues:
[LD] MyGroup_group_bin
if [ 2 -eq 1 ]; then cp "comp1.instance-copy.bin" " MyGroup_group_bin"; else /usr/bin/ccache arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc comp1.instance-copy.bin comp2.instance-copy.bin -Wl,--build-id=none -L
?Hi Robbie,
Groups are not supported by released versions of CAmkES (such as 2.2). They are however, supported on our development version of CAmkES in a branch called "next". You can get the latest version of CAmkES next and its dependencies using repo:
repo init -u https://github.com/seL4/camkes-manifest.git -m next.xml? && repo sync
Some of the CAmkES apps in the "apps" directory have examples of groups, such as testgrouping.
From: Devel
participants (2)
Robert VanVossen