I'm building a simple "hello, world" project and running into some bugs. The code works, but the after execution there is an exception. It appears to be in restore_user_context or nearby. Can anyone point out what the problem could be here? user@user-KVM:/mnt/data/sel4hello_manifest/build$ qemu-system-riscv64 --machine spike --nographic --serial mon:stdio --m size=4095M --bios images/hello-image-riscv-spike bbl loader ELF-loader started on (HART 0) (NODES 1) paddr=[80200000..80312d0f] Looking for DTB in CPIO archive...found at 802e5910. Loaded DTB from 802e5910. paddr=[8401e000..8401efff] ELF-loading image 'kernel' paddr=[84000000..8401dfff] vaddr=[ffffffff84000000..ffffffff8401dfff] virt_entry=ffffffff84000000 ELF-loading image 'hello' paddr=[8401f000..84157fff] vaddr=[10000..148fff] virt_entry=14aa4 Jumping to kernel-image entry point... Init local IRQ Initialing PLIC... Booting all finished, dropped to user space hello, world! Warning: using printf before serial is set up. This only works as your printf is backed by seL4_Debug_PutChar() hrintf is bac Caught cap fault in send phase at address 0 while trying to handle: vm fault on code at address 0 with status 0x1 in thread 0xffffffc17fee8200 "rootserver" at address 0 With stack: 0x143ea0: 0x143ec0 0x143ea8: 0x101ea 0x143eb0: 0x143f00 0x143eb8: 0x14b90 0x143ec0: 0x0 0x143ec8: 0x143f30 0x143ed0: 0x143f20 0x143ed8: 0x143f10 0x143ee0: 0x1 0x143ee8: 0x101d6 0x143ef0: 0x144000 0x143ef8: 0x14cbc 0x143f00: 0x0 0x143f08: 0x14a000 0x143f10: 0x20110 0x143f18: 0x0
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