[JIRA] (RFC-14) MCS: Adding budget limit thresholds to endpoints for SC Donation

Mitchell Johnston ( https://sel4.atlassian.net/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?accountId=712020%3A586825... ) *created* an issue RFCs ( https://sel4.atlassian.net/browse/RFC?atlOrigin=eyJpIjoiMDkyNDQwZmRhMjc0NDg0... ) / RFC ( https://sel4.atlassian.net/browse/RFC-14?atlOrigin=eyJpIjoiMDkyNDQwZmRhMjc0N... ) RFC-14 ( https://sel4.atlassian.net/browse/RFC-14?atlOrigin=eyJpIjoiMDkyNDQwZmRhMjc0N... ) MCS: Adding budget limit thresholds to endpoints for SC Donation ( https://sel4.atlassian.net/browse/RFC-14?atlOrigin=eyJpIjoiMDkyNDQwZmRhMjc0N... ) Issue Type: RFC Assignee: Mitchell Johnston ( https://sel4.atlassian.net/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?accountId=712020%3A586825... ) Created: 15/Aug/23 10:30 PM Reporter: Mitchell Johnston ( https://sel4.atlassian.net/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?accountId=712020%3A586825... ) ******* Summary ******* This is a two stage RFC that proposes to add a new `budget threshold' to endpoints, which would only allow scheduling context donation to occur if the SC's available budget exceeds the threshold. This would provide a mechanism to prevent budget-expiry from occurring in passive servers. As a second optional stage, this threshold value could also restrict the budget that a passive server is permitted to consume on a donated SC. We refer to this as a `budget limit'. This would help bound priority inversion in a system as well as reducing the trust that clients must place in passive servers they call. ********** Motivation ********** Thresholds This change regarding thresholds is motivated by a desire to prevent budget expiry from occurring inside passive servers, improving worst-case performance and response time analysis. Additionally, it would shift timeout exceptions into being a true error case, rather than an unavoidable, but routine occurrence on many systems. This is likely to simplify system design. Currently, there are almost no restrictions on the amount of budget required to enter a passive server. This almost inevitably leads to budget expiry, resulting in undesirable longer blocking times for other clients of the passive server. This must also be accounted for in schedulability analysis of a system and is particularly important for servers with clients of varying criticality. The kernel currently supports a mechanism to manage budget expiry, timeout handlers. These allow an error-handling thread to intervene and resolve the budget expiry. However, as they address the issue after it occurs, these have some limitations. Timeout handlers can provide extra budget, however, it is not preferable to reward clients with additional budget just because they are blocking the rest of the system. Alternatively, the server can be reverted to a previous state, however this wastes any work the server performed and can be expensive or impractical, depending on the nature of the passive server. This RFC proposes a new mechanism, endpoint thresholds, which aim to prevent budget expiry from occurring in passive servers, rather than reacting to it after it occurs. ------------- Budget limits ------------- The second stage of budget limits is motivated by the current implicit requirement that clients must completely trust passive servers that they call. Under the current model, a server can consume as much budget as it desires on a donated SC and is not forced to return it. A malfunctioning or malicious passive server can therefore run indefinitely while also possessing a higher priority than its clients, significantly impeding their ability to make progress. The impact of this extends to any thread with a priority between that of the passive server and its clients, even threads that are not themselves clients of the passive server. Enforcing stronger bounds on passive server SC consumption would reduce the level of trust threads in a system need to have in one another. *********************** Guide-level explanation *********************** ---------- Thresholds ---------- This change involves adding a new attribute to endpoint objects, known as a threshold. By default, this threshold value would be set to zero and will have no effect. Therefore, existing code will not need to be updated to accommodate thresholds. If the threshold is set to a non-zero value, sending invocations performed on the endpoint will only be permitted if they donate a scheduling context with available budget greater than or equal to the threshold. Available budget is the amount of budget ready for use in the SC (the sum of refills with a release time greater than the current time). By setting the threshold to the WCET of the passive server associated with the endpoint, this guarantees that the server will always receive an SC with sufficient budget to complete its execution, preventing budget expiry from occurring. This will also ensure that timeout exceptions will only occur as a result of a true error, such as a misconfigured threshold value or a fault in the server code. If a client has insufficient available budget in its SC, its refills will be deferred and merged until its head refill has sufficient budget at some point in the future. Once the thread resumes, the IPC invocation will transparently continue. If a client's maximum budget is less than the threshold value, an error will instead be returned to the client. The time required to check an SC's available budget and to defer and merge are both bounded by the maximum number of refills in an SC. When designing a system using an endpoint with a threshold, this will be an additional factor to consider regarding the optimal choice for the maximum number of SC refills. The threshold value of an endpoint can be set via an object invocation, performed indirectly through an invocation on the Cnode, similar to the existing Cancel Badged Sends invocation. However, we restrict the right to set the endpoint threshold to only the original unbadged capability. Changes to the threshold value are propagated weakly, meaning that clients only interact with the threshold value at the moment where they invoke the endpoint. If a threshold value is increased, clients already enqueued on the endpoint are unaffected, even if they now possess insufficient budget. Similarly, threads which have had their budget deferred will not be woken up early, even if the threshold value is reduced. As the threshold is intended to reflect the WCET of the passive server, changing it would be a rare operation. Therefore, we consider this weak propogation behaviour acceptable. Additionally, invocations which do not support scheduling context donation are no longer permitted to invoke an endpoint with a non-zero threshold set. They instead fail immediately as an invalid operation. This prevents a passive server from performing a rendezvous with a client that did not donate an SC, which would result in the server being unable to run, which causes similar issues to budget expiry. Invoking a passive server without donating an SC is fundamentally an invalid operation, so it is therefore desirable for the IPC to fail upon the initial send, rather than causing an exception only after rendezvousing with the server. As an optional extension, the new defer and merge behaviour of SC's can also be made available to threads as an explicit system call. We have provisionally called this YieldUntilBudget, denoting it as a variant of Yield. This would allow threads to specify a desired quantity of budget, after which the kernel will merge and defer refills until the thread's head refill exceeds the desired budget. We do emphasise that this additional system call is not required for the functionality of thresholds. However, it will essentially be implemented regardless as part of thresholds and exposing it to users is an easy change. ------------- Budget Limits ------------- The optional budget limit change extends the meaning of an endpoint threshold value to also restrict budget consumption by a passive server on a donated SC. An additional bit is added to endpoint objects to toggle budget limit behaviour. By default, budget limits are disabled and only the aforementioned threshold behaviour applies. If the threshold is non-zero and budget limits are enabled, then both threshold and budget limit behaviour will be in effect. A budget limit has a no effect if the threshold is zero, regardless of the value of the budget limit bit. If a passive server returns a donated SC having consumed less than the budget limit (equal to the threshold value), then the budget limit has no effect. However, if the server's consumption reaches the budget limit, the kernel will forcibly return the SC to the caller, ensuring that the server’s consumption does not exceed the limit. This will almost certainly leave the server in a stuck state, so the server's timeout handler will be invoked to recover it. When an SC is donated over an endpoint with budget limits enabled, that SC is marked as possessing a budget limit. An SC with a budget limit can only be further donated over endpoints that also have budget limits set. During such a donation, the kernel must still determine whether the donated SC has a sufficient budget (greater than the threshold). However, rather than considering the total available budget in the SC, the kernel considers the budget remaining until the existing budget limit would be reached. This allows the kernel to guarantee that every server is able to use its full budget limit allocation, while also being able to enforce the limit if any server exceeds its allocated budget limit. The SC is only marked as no longer possessing a budget limit once it is returned over the original budget limit endpoint. *************************** Reference-level explanation *************************** ---------- Thresholds ---------- This RFC proposes to add a ticks_t value to endpoint objects as the `threshold'. It is also viable to associate the threshold with endpoint capabilities, this is discussed in the rationale and alternative section below. For every sending IPC invocation, fastpath or slowpath, the kernel checks the threshold value of the relevant object. If it is set to zero, this represents threshold behaviour being disabled and the IPC continues, with no further behaviour changes. However, if the threshold value is non-zero, then the kernel calculates the available budget of the thread (released refills in the SC) and compares against the budget required to pass the threshold. The intention is for the 'threshold' value to represent the required runtime of a passive server. Therefore, the budget to pass the threshold is the 'threshold' value plus twice the kernel WCET, to account for the call and reply system calls. Additionally, the kernel must account for time consumed by the client, but not yet charged to its SC. If the available budget is sufficient, again, the IPC continues without further behaviour changes. However, if the available budget is insufficient, alternate action needs to be taken. At this point, the fastpath and slowpath diverges. If the available budget check on the fastpath fails, the kernel switches over to the slowpath to reduce complexity on the fastpath. Returning to the slowpath behaviour, after determining that the thread has insufficient available budget, the thread's maximum budget is compared to the threshold. If the maximum budget is insufficient, an error is returned to the client. Otherwise, the client's usage is first charged to it, and then its SC's refills are merged and deferred until the head refill is sufficient to pass the threshold. This will mostly likely be at some point in the future, so the client will be inserted into the release queue and the system call will be restarted once the refill is released. ------------- Budget Limits ------------- Supporting budget limits requires multiple changes in addition to those required for thresholds. Each endpoint object requires an additional bit to represent the budget limit toggle, however this does not require an increase in the object size. SC's also require additional fields to track whether they currently possess a budget limit, along with a budget consumption field. Finally, reply objects have an additional limit field added to track the budget limit currently in effect. When a thread and SC (without a budget limit in effect) calls over an endpoint with a budget limit set, the donated SC is marked as possessing a budget limit and its budget consumption is reset to zero. The reply object's limit field is then set to the threshold value. When setting the timer interrupt, the kernel additionally compares the active SC's consumed budget field against the limit in the reply object. This allows the kernel to preempt the thread if it exceeds the budget limit. When a thread, where the SC has a budget limit in effect, calls over an endpoint, the kernel only permits the operation if the endpoint has a budget limit set.The remaining budget limit is then compared to the endpoint's threshold value and the operation is only permitted if the remaining budget exceeds the threshold value. The SC’s consumed budget field is not reset, but the reply object’s limit field is set to the SC’s consumed budget plus the endpoint threshold value. This allows the kernel to track and enforce the new budget limit, while not affecting the information required to enforce the original budget limit. If a thread with a budget limit enabled exceeds its budget limit, the kernel preempts it and returns the SC one layer down to the caller. In a multi-level call chain, other budget limits further down the chain remain in effect. This functionality requires additional overhead on the fastpath, in particular reprogramming the timer interrupt. -------------------- Performance summary: -------------------- In this section we present a summary of performance results, checking the increased overhead that would result from implementing these proposed changes. Three broad cases were tested: * Baseline: The baseline MCS kernel, without any changes. * Threshold disabled: A kernel with our proposed changes, but tested over an endpoint that does not enforce threshold or budget limit behaviour. * Threshold/Budget limit enabled: A kernel with the proposed changes, over an endpoint that enforces threshold/budget limit behaviour. Thresholds Only --------------- First, we compare successful IPC cost of thresholds only (no budget limits) against the baseline kernel using the standard seL4bench IPC tests. These tests were performed with an SC with a single refill. *Fastpath* *Fastpath overhead* *Slowpath* *Slowpath overhead* Baseline 269 (3) N/A 945 (12) N/A Thresholds disabled 276 (4) 3% 959 (10) 1% Thresholds enabled 304 (2) 13% 976 (12) 3% IPC Call overhead from endpoint thresholds. Results are cycles, presented as: mean (standard deviation Thresholds introduce a new case to IPC, whereby instead of succeeding immediately, the thread's budget is deferred. We measured the cost of deferring budget for SC's with various numbers of refills. *Operation* *Extra Refills* *Fastpath* *Slowpath* IPC call N/A 272 (2) 962 (15) IPC block N/A 852 (11) 796 (17) Threshold defer 0 1150 (24) 1015 (17) Threshold defer 10 1391 (18) 1300 (26) Threshold defer 20 1665 (25) 1545 (19) Threshold defer 30 1942 (30) 1819 (20) Threshold defer 40 2174 (18) 2079 (23) Threshold defer 50 2446 (24) 2331 (29) IPC Call defer costs. Results are cycles, presented as: mean (standard deviation) Budget Limits ------------- In this section, we consider the costs on a system that supports both thresholds and budget limits. We compare the increase in overhead for both IPC Call and ReplyRecv. First, overheads for IPC Call *Fastpath* *Fastpath overhead* *Slowpath* *Slowpath overhead* Baseline 269 (3) N/A 945 (12) N/A Thresholds disabled 291 (2) 8% 1068 (14) 13% Budget limit enabled 327 (0) 22% 1108 (18) 17% IPC Call overhead from budget limit thresholds. Results are cycles, presented as: mean (standard deviation) Next, the overheads for ReplyRecv *Fastpath* *Fastpath overhead* *Slowpath* *Slowpath overhead* Baseline 290 (0) N/A 972 (16) N/A Thresholds disabled 298 (3) 3% 1131 (20) 16% Budget limit enabled 352 (5) 21% 1208 (17) 24% IPC ReplyRecv overhead from budget limit thresholds. Results are cycles, presented as: mean (standard deviation) ---------------------------- Other implementation details ---------------------------- An example implementation and draft pull request, for clarity of changes, is available here: * https://github.com/Yermin9/seL4/tree/threshold_rfc * https://github.com/Yermin9/seL4/pull/6 The core of this change is additional code on the IPC path that checks if a calling client has sufficient budget compared to the threshold and if not, deferring and merging until its head refill has sufficient budget. The size of endpoint objects has been increased by 1 bit to make room to store the threshold value, which is a ticks_t value. On a 64-bit system, this increases the size from 16 bytes to 32 bytes. The calculation of available budget requires summing over all of an SC's released refills. This is not a major issue, but does introduce a new kernel time dependence on the refill size of an SC. The same is true with deferring and merging refills. There already exists a performance trade-off regarding max refill sizes, this is simply an additional factor for system designers to consider. ********* Drawbacks ********* The primary drawback is that this change will increase the IPC path cost, imposing an additional cost on all IPC calls. This is true even for endpoints with thresholds set to zero, as the kernel still needs to check whether it should impose the threshold behaviour restrictions. However, while non-zero, this checking cost is small. Where thresholds are enforced, there will be a modest performance impact. However, as outlined above, budget limits will impose a more significant performance cost. ************************** Rationale and alternatives ************************** A key benefit is that this change will support better schedulability analysis and reduced server complexity. The threshold change trades slightly slower average-case performance for much improved worst-case performance. However, this more predictable behaviour is of particular benefit for schedulability analysis. In particular, this predictability is highly important for real-time systems that the MCS kernel is targeted at. Further, this change also moves timeout faults into a true error case, rather than an unavoidable consequence of passive servers. The current model supports changes to the threshold value, however, changes are propagated very weakly. As described above, budgets are only compared to the threshold value at the point where a thread invokes an endpoint. Threads already enqueued on the endpoint or waiting for sufficient budget are only affected by a change to the threshold value when they invoke the endpoint again. We had considered stronger threshold propagation models, whereby all threads enqueued on the endpoint or waiting for sufficient budget were affected by changes to the threshold value immediately. Upon a change to the threshold value, threads would be enqueued or dequeued from the endpoint to reflect the change. However, this behaviour involved significant additional kernel complexity, in particular requiring two additional release queues. Briefly, this is because deferring and merging budget would not be possible, as a thread's available budget must be preserved in case the threshold value is decreased. This required significant additional infrastructure to track the threads and their budgets, while also waiting for additional refill releases. Given that changing an endpoint threshold is expected to be a rare operation, we do not consider this compromise of kernel minimality worth the benefit. Therefore, we implemented the weak propagation behaviour described above. Alternative associations for the threshold value were considered, namely the passive server's TCB and endpoint capabilities, rather than objects. * Association with the server's TCB would add significant kernel complexity with little benefit. Threshold values would need to be checked at the point of IPC rendezvous, rather than at the point of entering the endpoint. This could require endpoints to have two queues, one containing servers that ready to receive and another with clients that are ready to send, but unable to rendezvous because of insufficient budget. * Association with endpoint capabilities would allow different client's entry points to have different thresholds. There is potentially a use for different threshold value representing different operations into a passive server, with correspondingly different WCET's. However, this would require increasing the size of endpoint capabilities. Due to the nature of the capability system, this would also require increasing the size of all capabilities. This is not an insurmountable issue and may be the best design. ----------------------------------- Budget limit call stack restriction ----------------------------------- For budget limits, we introduced the restriction that threads with a budget limit in effect could only donate their SC over an endpoint with a budget limit. Originally, we did consider a model that did not restrict how users could construct call stacks, however there were significant downsides. We now illustrate this with an example. Consider a client (C) that calls a server (S) over a budget limit endpoint. Then, over endpoints without budget limits set, S donates its SC to s~1~, s~1~ to s~2~ and so on to s~n~. We outline two system behaviour assumptions that we believe are reasonable: * The original budget limit guarantee made from S to C should still be enforced regardless of which thread the SC is bound to at the time. If this is not enforced then the usefulness of the budget limit to guarantee scheduling properties is greatly diminished. * Further, any thread that is skipped over by the returning SC needs to have its timeout handler invoked, to restore them to a sane state. This is required for the system to remain usable. Otherwise, some mechanism must exist to notify some user-level error-handling thread of which server threads are stuck and allow it to recover them. This is essentially the same concept as a timeout/error handler regardless. Therefore, if the budget limit is exceeded by s~n~, the reply stack needs to be traversed until the original client is found, triggering timeout handlers at each level as well. The result is that kernel execution time would be O dependent on the size of the call stack created, which we consider unreasonable. Further, S is making a guarantee to C that only a certain amount of budget will be consumed on the donated SC, that being the semantic meaning of the budget limit. It would be a poor design for S to then donate that SC to another server (s~1~) with no timing guarantees, as if s~1~ consumes too much budget, S will also be skipped over when the SC is returned to C. This means that S cannot guarantee it will meet its own scheduling obligations. Therefore, we consider it a reasonable design restriction to only allow S to donate its SC to servers that also provide a budget limit guarantee. If S needs to donate its SC to a server (s~1~) that cannot provide a budget limit guarantee, we believe it is most sensible for S to not offer a budget limit either, as S does not know how much budget will be required. Alternatively, we believe adding a budget limit to s~1~ would also be a sensible design pattern. ********* Prior art ********* See also this thesis ( https://trustworthy.systems/publications/theses_public/22/Johnston%3Abe.abst...), where this proposed change was discussed in more detail. ******************** Unresolved questions ******************** What is the best API for the new Yield system call? * The cleanest API would probably be to change seL4_Yield() to accept a single parameter. If the parameter is zero, the existing Yield behaviour occurs, otherwise, a non-zero value triggers the new defer and merge behaviour. Unfortunately, this would be a breaking API change. However, the change required would be fairly simple, replacing every seL4_Yield() with seL4_Yield(0). * Same as above, but make the true system call seL4_YieldUntilBudget(time_t val). This would allow seL4_Yield() to be made a macro for seL4_YieldUntilBudget(0). This seems to be a messier API, but maintains backward API compatibility. It would however, break existing binary compatibility. * Two true system calls, the existing seL4_Yield() and the new seL4_YieldUntilBudget. This seems to be less preferable from an API perspective (and potentially performance, though this hasn't been tested), but also maintains backward compatibility. We restrict sending invocations on an endpoint with a threshold set to only those that permit SC donation. There are some possible extensions of this: * It is potentially reasonable to also restrict receiving invocations to only those that allow SC donation? For a passive server, receiving in a manner that does not permit SC donation is an invalid configuration. This change would cause an explicit error upon invocation, rather than the server getting stuck after IPC rendezvous. This is potentially desirable. 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participants (1)
Mitchell Johnston (Jira)