Dear seL4 developers, I am using the provided dockerfiles repository to build the docker images in order to compile seL4. I would like to add a rust compiler to my docker image, which I do with "./build.sh -p -b camkes -s rust". This builds an image tagged "trustworthysystems/camkes-rust". I would like to launch this image in a container using the "Makefile" as I would do for the "trustworthysystems/camkes" image (using "make user"). I tried adding targets to the "Makefile" file changing the "USER_BASE_IMG" variable to use "trustworthysystems/camkes-rust" instead of "trustworthysystems/camkes", without success. I also tried to force the image by renaming/retagging "trustworthysystems/camkes " to "trustworthysystems/camkes-old" and "trustworthysystems/camkes-rust" to "trustworthysystems/camkes ". I also forced every base image to be the one containing the Rust compiler (in "Makefile"). All without success. For some reason "trustworthysystems/camkes-rust" image is never used. If I start it manually using docker commands I am able to launch and attach to it, getting the expected Rust compiler. Through the "Makefile" it ever only uses "trustworthysystems/camkes" without the Rust compiler. Is there an easy way to get this to work? What am I missing? Best regards, Cedric =============================================================================== The ICRC - working to protect and assist people affected by armed conflict and other situations of violence. Find out more: www.icrc.org This e-mail is intended for the named recipient(s) only. Its contents are confidential and may only be retained by the named recipient (s) and may only be copied or disclosed with the consent of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). If you are not an intended recipient please delete this e-mail and notify the sender. ===============================================================================