Hi Bryan, If you look in the apps/ directory you’ll see that there are plenty of example applications included. If you want to build and run any of these then you can do that in two ways: 1. do "make arm_<appname>_defconfig” for example: "make arm_dataport_defconfig”. Then do the usual “make” and run qemu 2. do “make menuconfig” got to Applications -> Examples, unselect the currently selected application, then select the application you want to build and run, then exit and make sure the config is saved as the default. Then do the usual “make” and run qemu. Ihor
On 1 Nov 2015, at 7:37 am, Bryan Ching <bryanching7373@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks Alex. That did the trick. I was also wondering something. While I was in the CAmkES configuration menu, I saw that under Applications --> Examples, there were a lot more applications. However, the only one available/included was the Simple CAmkES application. How would I go about implementing say the Dataport CAmkES application or Event CAmkES application?
Thanks, Bryan
On Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 3:08 PM, Alexander Kroh <Alexander.Kroh@nicta.com.au> wrote: Hi Bryan,
We have seen this problem before [http://sel4.systems/pipermail/devel/2015-March/000291.html].
The theory is that an asynchronous abort that is caused by the bootloader is propagating through to the kernel. Asynchronous aborts are masked globally when building in release mode, but it was thought that they would be a valuable debug feature when building in debug mode.
A work around to your problem is to disable the abort in all build configurations by changing #ifdef DEBUG to #if 0 on this line of the kernel source: https://github.com/seL4/seL4/blob/master/include/arch/arm/arch/machine/regis...
- Alex Kroh
________________________________________ From: Bryan Ching [bryanching7373@gmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, 28 October 2015 08:49 To: Alexander Kroh Cc: devel@sel4.systems Subject: Re: [seL4] Running CAmkES Sample Application on Sabre Lite Board
So I tried running the sample application on my Sabre Lite board again but with the settings in menuconfig changed to "Cortex-A9" and "iMX6". However, when I run the "bootelf" command in minicom, I am getting an error. Any suggestions?
Here is what is on my console screen:
U-Boot > bootelf ## Starting application at 0x20000000 ...
ELF-loader started on CPU: ARM Ltd. Cortex-A9 r2p10 paddr=[20000000..2010c01f] ELF-loading image 'kernel' paddr=[10000000..10031fff] vaddr=[e0000000..e0031fff] virt_entry=e0000000 ELF-loading image 'capdl-loader-experimental' paddr=[10032000..10215fff] vaddr=[8000..1ebfff] virt_entry=f460 Enabling MMU and paging Jumping to kernel-image entry point...
Bootstrapping kernel Caught cap fault in send phase at address 0x0 while trying to handle: vm fault on data at address 0xda1c1556 with status 0x1c06 in thread 0xffefd500 "rootserver" at address 0xf460
On Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 1:37 AM, Bryan Ching <bryanching7373@gmail.com<mailto:bryanching7373@gmail.com>> wrote: Thanks for the help Alex!
On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 3:57 AM, Alexander Kroh <Alexander.Kroh@nicta.com.au<mailto:Alexander.Kroh@nicta.com.au>> wrote: Hi Bryan,
This demo project is configured to be built for the 'kzm' platform. Unfortunately, ARM platforms are not cross-compatible.
You can change the platform by running:
$ make menuconfig
And navigating the menus: seL4 Kernel ---> seL4 System --->
Change the CPU to "Cortex-A9" and the platform to "iMX6"
Note that, in doing this, you will no longer be able to simulate the project in QEMU
- Alex Kroh
________________________________________ From: Devel [devel-bounces@sel4.systems] on behalf of Bryan Ching [bryanching7373@gmail.com<mailto:bryanching7373@gmail.com>] Sent: Monday, 26 October 2015 19:06 To: devel@sel4.systems Subject: [seL4] Running CAmkES Sample Application on Sabre Lite Board
I was following the CAmkES "Getting Started" tutorial on the seL4 website and followed all the instructions. Here is the link: https://sel4.systems/Info/CAmkES/GettingStarted.pml
I managed to get the sample application to run in QEMU (Quick Emulator) like the instructions said. I tried loading the sample application onto the Sabre Lite Board through tftp booting using minicom. However, once I try to boot the .elf file, it displays the memory address and nothing else happens.
Is there any configuration file that I need to change to make the sample application run on my Sabre Lite Board? Or is there something else that I am missing?
Thanks, Bryan
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