I think I found your problem:
connection seL4HardwareMMIO uart_mem (from drv.mem, to Cons_PingMe.mem); needs to be changed to connection seL4HardwareMMIO uart_mem (from Cons_PingMe.mem, to drv.mem);
As for debugging information, the error output you were getting definitely seems incorrect. Running make with V=3 increases the verbosity and the camkes tools do provide more output when this is set, but in this case it didn’t seem to be any help. Kent.
On 11/06/2016, at 2:03 AM, Julien Delange <julien.delange@gmail.com> wrote:
Yep. I tried many things in order to see where the mistake is or if there are any parser limitations. Without much luck, that is why I was wondering how I can get more log/debug information.
On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 12:00 PM, Kent <kent.mcleod72@gmail.com <mailto:kent.mcleod72@gmail.com>> wrote: Have you tried moving the import statements above the UART component definition?
On 11/06/2016, at 1:54 AM, Julien Delange <julien.delange@gmail.com <mailto:julien.delange@gmail.com>> wrote:
In fact, I do not have such a file. My assembly looks like this (see below). I connect the hardware component UART to the Cons_PingMe. So, I do not have any driver defined in a separate file. This is the uart_mem connection that is the issue.
I am almost sure I missed something and not sure this is a bug.
assembly.camkes: =============== component UART{ hardware; dataport Buf mem; }
import <std_connector.camkes>; import "components/timer/Timer.camkes"; import "components/ProducerThreadImpl/ProducerThreadImpl.camkes"; import "components/ConsumerThreadImpl/ConsumerThreadImpl.camkes";
assembly { composition { component Timerbase timerbase; component Timer timer; component UART drv;
component ProducerThreadImpl Prod_Pinger; component ConsumerThreadImpl Cons_PingMe;
connection seL4SharedData connection0(from Prod_Pinger.data_source, to Cons_PingMe.data_sink); connection seL4Notification notification0 (from timer.Prod_Pinger_activator, to Prod_Pinger.activator); connection seL4Notification notification1 (from timer.Cons_PingMe_activator, to Cons_PingMe.activator); connection seL4HardwareMMIO uart_mem (from drv.mem, to Cons_PingMe.mem); connection seL4HardwareMMIO timer_mem (from timer.reg, to timerbase.reg); connection seL4HardwareInterrupt timer_irq (from timerbase.irq, to timer.irq);
configuration {
connection0.from_access = "W"; connection0.to_access = "R";
timerbase.reg_attributes = "0x48040000:0x1000"; timerbase.irq_attributes = 68; drv.mem_attributes = "0x43F90000:0x1000";
random.ID = 1;
} }
components/ConsumerThreadImpl/ConsumerThreadImpl.camkes: ==================================================== component ConsumerThreadImpl { include "generatedtypes.h"; control; dataport simpletype data_sink; consumes sig activator; dataport Buf mem; }
On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 11:31 AM, Andrew Gacek <andrew.gacek@gmail.com <mailto:andrew.gacek@gmail.com>> wrote: Perhaps you need to add:
import "components/drv/Driver.camkes";
Also Driver.camkes seems to be a copy of ConsumerThreadImpl.camkes and does not contain a definition of the UART component.
On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 10:15 AM, Julien Delange <julien.delange@gmail.com <mailto:julien.delange@gmail.com>> wrote:
I am trying to build a camked application with a UART driver. When trying to build the application, I got the following error:
While rendering uart_mem.from.source: 'drv'
However, the component is well define. How can I try to get more information/debug of the camkes assembly and find out what is wrong?
Note: the project can be found there: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bxl72qH3r6BjRGxYSXd2LUllcDQ/view?usp=sharin... <https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bxl72qH3r6BjRGxYSXd2LUllcDQ/view?usp=sharing>
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