[reponse inline] At 2019-06-29T01:59:00+0000, KAP Benjamin wrote:
The ethernet driver for the beaglebone seem to be working now with the pico TCP/IP stack, at least with ipv4.
After booting, at some point the message "IPv6: DAD verified valid address" appears and then the driver doesn't work properly anymore. Is there a way to disable ipv6 in picoserver/picotcp? For now ipv4 is sufficient for my project.
How sure are you that this message is time-correlated with the failure? I ask because when I brought up seL4 on an ODROID-C2, I always got this message. On the other hand, in my work environment IPv6 was available, working, and used by the device, I think. I would try pinging the board while it boots like this: ping -4 -i 0.2 w.x.y.z ...where w.x.y.z is the IPv4 address of the Beaglebone. My apologies if you've already done this and it's what led you to the above conclusion. Regards, Branden