Hi Michael, In seL4, all memory is managed by user level. In order to access any memory it must be mapped in to the current address space, at which point you can access that memory at will, as long as you have the correct capabilities. Capabilities to all untyped memory in the system are passed in the initial boot info structure to the initial task. I'd need more information about the system you are using to give more concrete advice, but if you are using our vspace library in seL4_libs it has many functions to access the caps/addresses you need to access the memory. Cheers Anna. ________________________________ From: Devel <devel-bounces@sel4.systems> on behalf of Michael Neises <neisesmichael@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, 6 July 2018 4:06 AM To: devel@sel4.systems Subject: [seL4] reading thread registers Hello, I know there exists a function seL4_TCB_ReadRegisters, which can read the registers of a certain thread, given a/the capability to the thread. Ultimately, I'm interested in reading memory at runtime to determine whether the data I expect is present. So I'm wondering, is there in seL4 an init process, whose registers contain all the working memory of the system? And furthermore, how can I access a capability to a given thread in order to pass it into the ReadRegisters function mentioned above? Cheers, Michael