Hi, I recently move my wrok to a new seL4 version (I checkout default.xml in project camkes-arm-vm on 2020.02.25), I have below error print: “create_object@main.c:659 [Cond failed: err != seL4_NoError] Failed to find device frame/untyped at paddr = 0x90006000” 1、 I debug code, /**/ is my environment run parameter BOOT_CODE bool_t create_device_untypeds(cap_t root_cnode_cap, seL4_SlotPos slot_pos_before) { paddr_t start = 0; /*---------------------add region, start = 0x1800000, end = 0x2080000 *---------------------add region, start = 0x20ff000, end = 0x2100000 *---------------------add region, start = 0x80000000, end = 0x90001000 *---------------------add region, start = 0x90003000, end = 0x90004000 */ for (word_t i = 0; i < ndks_boot.resv_count; i++) { if (start < ndks_boot.reserved[i].start) { region_t reg = paddr_to_pptr_reg((p_region_t) { start, ndks_boot.reserved[i].start }); if (!create_untypeds_for_region(root_cnode_cap, true, reg, slot_pos_before)) { return false; } } start = ndks_boot.reserved[i].end; } /*---------------------add region, start = 0x90005000, CONFIG_PADDR_USER_DEVICE_TOP = 0xff, PPTR_TOP = 0xffffc0000000*/ if (start < CONFIG_PADDR_USER_DEVICE_TOP) { region_t reg = paddr_to_pptr_reg((p_region_t) { start, CONFIG_PADDR_USER_DEVICE_TOP }); /* * The auto-generated bitfield code will get upset if the * end pptr is larger than the maximum pointer size for this architecture. */ if (reg.end > PPTR_TOP) { reg.end = PPTR_TOP; } if (!create_untypeds_for_region(root_cnode_cap, true, reg, slot_pos_before)) { return false; } } return true; } 2、 CONFIG_PADDR_USER_DEVICE_TOP = 0xff, I found print the value must use 0x%x, can’t use 0x%lx, it is wrong 3、My platform is cortexA53 kernel/src/plat/j2/config.cmake:28: set(KernelArmCortexA53 ON) 4、and I change follow KernelArmCortexA53: a) ‘math(EXPR KernelPaddrUserTop "(1 << 40) - 1")’ to ‘set(KernelPaddrUserTop "1099511627775")’ ----------the print is “Failed to find device frame” disappear 5、my pc tools install,follow the seL4 wiki, cmakes version is 3.12.2 (> 3.7.2) 6、I did not find error or warning when I ../init-build.sh -DAARCH64=TRUE …… ---------------is it need to install new tools? Or other problem Thank you very much.