The technical steering committee (TSC) of the seL4 Foundation had its constituting meeting on 20 May, and the meeting minutes [1] are now published on the TSC page of the foundation [2]. The TSC is the body that sets the technical direction of seL4 and its proofs, including processes, contributions, documentation, etc. This first TSC meeting was mostly about processes and setting things up — future TSC meetings are planned to be public, and will be announced on this mailing list. One of the first things the TSC would like to do is make seL4 and its related repositories easier to contribute to. You may have seen a few things that already have happened: - more content on the docs site at foundation launch - DCO instead of CLA - first direct github CI tests that run on pull requests for the seL4 and l4v repos Some of the things we are planning to do: - make seL4 code and proof regression tests available directly on github as much as possible, to make it easier to see what breaks verification and what not - open up issues and pull request management more to the community so that pull requests can become less of a bottleneck - publish the source of the sel4.systems site, so people can make contributions - more documentation for the proofs If you have ideas what else the TSC could do to encourage contributions, please let us know! Either here on the mailing list, or if you prefer, by email to me directly. Cheers, Gerwin (for the TSC) [1]: https://sel4.systems/Foundation/TSC/notes/tsc-meeting-2020-05-20.pdf [2]: https://sel4.systems/Foundation/TSC/