Hi all, I'm working on a Masters research project looking into mapping an object-capability programming language onto seL4, in a way that includes some kind of mapping from the language object capabilities onto seL4's capabilities (or vice versa). I'm at a stage of the project now where it would be really helpful to have some 'motivating examples' for transferring caps between threads/CSpaces. So I was hoping I could reach out to other seL4 developers to see if they had built any systems that made extensive use of moving capabilities around. Ideally, in an ocap language, these examples would be much easier to program than they currently would be in C... The simplest example I can think of is a memory allocation server, but that wouldn't necessarily involve handing caps on beyond the one (requesting) process, which is the kind of thing I think more interesting examples would comprise of. Cheers, Stewart Webb [Masters Research student at University of Melbourne]