On Thu, Dec 1, 2016 at 10:22 AM, Tim Newsham <tim.newsham@gmail.com> wrote:
"""Briefly, I do not think the seL4 software stack has yet been built to the heights you require to run the programs you wish, not without Herculean effort from you."""
one option is to use the genode project,
Briefly, I do not think the seL4 software stack has yet been built to the heights you require to run the programs you wish, not without Herculean effort from you.
Long answer:
As far as I can tell, seL4 is still very much a research operating system,
The critical questions involve the mining effort you wish to achieve. Without access to the GPU or multiple GPUs mining will be slow. The success of Linux is that it is the union of many large projects. Kernel and GNU .... editors, compilers, filesystem, networking, device drivers, display, window system... So look to see if your mining hardware has any support and a way to multi boot. Then begin working in a spare disk or partition and perhaps a virtual machine. On real problem is checkpoint and restart. Checkpoint and restart are difficult and add serious security state management issues. Mining is a long term activity... Heavy lifting is a good description but I know some heavy lifters so have fun and explore it. -- T o m M i t c h e l l