Device pass-through in qemu-qrm-virt

Hello I am trying to do a device pass-through for a qemu-arm-virt implementation of seL4. Although there are no resources on how to do it on ARM, I followed the procedures for x86 found here [1]. There are differences between the two architectural implementations thus can't be successful. I tried to pass the image as an argument to Simulate, parser.add_argument('--extra-qemu-args', dest='qemu_sim_extra_args', type=str, help="Additional arguments to pass onto QEMU", default="-device virtio-blk-pci,drive=drive0 -drive file=/****/***/****/projects/camkes-vm-images/qemu-arm-virt/sdcard.img,format=raw,if=none,id=drive0") The machine can start successfully, but it keeps dropping to the initramfs and there is no sda in /dev/. Is there someone who is successful in passing through a device to qemu-arm-virt? Are there any documents to do that? Thank you [1]
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