On 9 Oct 2022, at 19:51, James Hillman <james.hillman07@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Sel4 developers,
I am new to this forum and hoping this is the right place to bounce my project idea off. I typically use FPGA to enforce security in my products but there are lots of reasons why FPGAs are not suitable for all use cases. I have also used low end microcontroller where one can review all the code to understand the security risks.
My latest project however involves two USB processes (one for each physical connection) with high throughput expectations. And to pass data streams at high typical throughput between them. Due to the wide range of USB type of devices I fear this would be too much code to review - it feels very OS like. Note, I don't need a GUI, it's headless.
So I'm interested in sel4 as I could run the processes in Linux VMs if I understand sel4 correctly. And whilst it's not the smallest processors I think they need to be more powerful to support the speeds. So this is fine . I am unsure how much of this project is already done, mainly thinking the usb driver perspective.
encapsulating drivers/protocol stacks into VMs is a standard design pattern. The seL4 Device Driver Framework will explicitly support this for Linux drivers, but it’s not going a high-performance approach… Gernot