The Technical Steering Committee (TSC) of the seL4 Foundation will hold its next public meting on:
Fri 12 Feb 2021
15:30-17:00 Sydney time (5:30am in Berlin, 8:30pm in San Francisco).
This is the continuation of the meeting last week.
The meeting is by Zoom, and you can register here:
Anyone interested can join the meeting and listen to the discussion and request to speak, which will be granted if time permits. Only TSC members can vote. The seL4 code of conduct applies to the meeting [1].
The agenda for the meeting so far is:
Discussion points
- when/how should Committer/Admin role change for people who have left D61 and had the role based on org membership
- endorsement process for training and products
Vote on:
- Platform Owner proposal
Discuss, potentially vote on RFC proposals:
If there are other items that I missed or you think should be on the agenda, please let me know. If we can't get to an item this time, we can still schedule another meeting.
Gerwin (TSC chair)
The Technical Steering Committee (TSC) of the seL4 Foundation will hold its next public meting on:
Fri 29 Jan 2021
15:30-17:00 Sydney time (5:30am in Berlin, 8:30pm in San Francisco).
The meeting is by Zoom, and you can register here:
Anyone interested can join the meeting and listen to the discussion and request to speak, which will be granted if time permits. Only TSC members can vote. The seL4 code of conduct applies to the meeting [1].
Sorry about the very early time for Europe, but there are no time slots that work for the US, Australia, and Europe at the same time. We are planning to swap between better times for Europe and the US for the next meetings.
The TSC is the body that decides on the technical direction of seL4:
The agenda for the meeting so far is:
- updates from the TSC chair and committees:
- seL4 public Jira
- Jira + GitHub sync
- reviewers who have joined
- more GitHub tests
- discussion points:
- do we have too many different forums?
- bug/issue classification (Jira is now public, we shouldn't call everything a bug)
- more in-tree docs
- test infrastructure
- extend RFC process slightly? (see )
- when/how should Committer/Admin role change for people who have left D61 and had the role based on org membership
- endorsement process for training and products
- vote on:
- Platform Owner proposal
- discuss, potentially vote on RFC proposals:
This is probably already too much for 90min and we may have to prioritise, but we will see how far we get. If there are other items that I missed or you think should be on the agenda, please let me know. If we can't get to an item this time, we can still schedule another meeting.
Gerwin (TSC chair)
Hi all,
I’m getting familiar with SeL4 build system and I’ve been running several application examples and also creating my own on top of the kernel using CAmKES. Very good.
$ mkdir camkes-project;
$ cd camkes-project;
$ repo init -u;
$ repo sync;
$ ../ -DPLATFORM=sabre -DAARCH32=1 -DCAMKES_APP=helloworld -DSIMULATION=1
$ ninja
$ ./simulate
Again, so far, so good! Several CAmKES examples up and running.
Now, I want to run virtual machines on top of it, I’ve seen several posts on internet and even in the official SeL4 website and none of them are working on my side. Can you please give me some pointers to be able to do so?
We really want to start using SeL4 in our products with virtual machines, but current documentation is not ideal. I don’t have experience in CMAKE and that might be the real problem 😊. I need your help to ramp up in the SeL4 project!
repo init -u
repo sync
mkdir build
cd build
../ -DCAMKES_VM_APP=vm_minimal -DPLATFORM=tk1
When running ../ I get the following:
CMake Error at /home/jorge/hdd/work/projects/vm/Findcamkes-arm-vm.cmake:39 (find_package):
By not providing "Findcamkes-vm-images.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this
project has asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by
"camkes-vm-images", but CMake did not find one.
Could not find a package configuration file provided by "camkes-vm-images"
with any of the following names:
Add the installation prefix of "camkes-vm-images" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or
set "camkes-vm-images_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above
files. If "camkes-vm-images" provides a separate development package or
SDK, be sure it has been installed.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
CMakeLists.txt:19 (camkes_arm_vm_setup_arm_vm_environment)
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "/home/jorge/hdd/work/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".