Hello, I have question about sel4's new ninja build tool.
*1. From now on, sel4-tutorials use ninja build tool, so I repo new
sel4-tutorials.Last step, I executue this command "../init-build.sh --plat
pc99 --tut hello-1" but It prints with this error messages.What's the
Warning at tools/cmake-tool/flags.cmake:123 (message): Kernel supports
hardware floating point but toolchain does notCall Stack (most recent call
first): tools/cmake-tool/base.cmake:58 (include)
tools/cmake-tool/all.cmake:16 (include) CMakeLists.txt:23 (include)CMake
Error at projects/sel4-tutorials/CMakeLists.txt:34 (message): You must
select a tutorial for compilation. Select using -DTUTORIAL=<PREFERENCE>.
Choose one of
Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!See also
How can I build sel4 ia32 images in sel4bench?This command
"../init-build.sh -DPLATFORM=ia32 -DHARDWARE=TRUE -DAARCH32=TRUE
-DRELEASE=TRUE -DFAULT=TRUE -DFASTPATH=TRUE" doesn't make sel4bench image