Happy seL4 day
by Announcements about seL4 -- low volume list
28 Jul '24
28 Jul '24
Happy seL4 day!
This year marks a very special seL4 day anniversary.
20 years ago, the L4.verified project started, with the ambitious aim to formally verify an entire microkernel of the L4 family. seL4 was born.
15 years ago, on the 29th of July 2009, the original functional correctness proof of seL4 was completed, a widely-recognised research breakthrough and the first big milestone in seL4's history.
10 years ago, on the 29th of July 2014, seL4 was open-sourced, an instrumental step towards its adoption in a number of sectors.
To celebrate these key anniversaries, a special panel will gather at the seL4 summit 2024 [0] to reflect on the journey over the past 20 years and discuss the future ahead. Stay tuned for more info.
[0] https://sel4.systems/Foundation/Summit/2024/
Birgit Brecknell
seL4 Foundation Project Coordinator
Sydney, Australia
Mon 9-5
Wed 2-5
Fri 9-5
birgit(a)sel4.systems <mailto:birgit@sel4.systems>
bbrcknl(a)gmail.com <mailto:bbrcknl@gmail.com>